By Bogdan Diordiev
Falun dafa is a qigong meditation practice that has been spreading in China since 1992 and has also made its way all around the world teaching people how to truly cultivate the mind and body in miraculous ways. Many people have had complicated illnesses healed by studying the teachings and practicing the 5 sets of exercises that supplement the teachings. This practice has shown us that when people strive to perfect their character and abide by the principles of “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance” their bodies and minds can undergo amazing changes. Many people who couldn’t have their illnesses healed by ordinary medicine and were told there was no hope were able to have their diseases healed by practicing falun gong (also known as falun dafa). People with depression, anxiety, even PTSD were all able to find happiness in their lives again through this practice. This practice is all taught in its entirety free of charge online by qigong master Mr. Li Hongzhi. It’s completely free of charge yet it’s so powerful and has benefited millions of people around the world.
Now why haven’t more of the public been hearing about this very powerful practice. Well in July 1999, the CCP (Chinese Comunist Party) started an all out campaign to “eliminate falun gong”. The CCP has used violent tourture, murder, propaganda and imprisonment of anyone who practices. People in China can face up to 15 years of jail time for practicing and people have been tortured to death for their belief that truthfulness, compassion, tolerance are correct. The CCP has used various forms of slander to justify their persecution and to fool the world’s people. What people don’t realize is that the CCP has never been honest and has lied to its people and the world since it first came to being. The CCP even has a campaign to suppress falun gong all over the globe. According to defectors from the CCP they have been using different internet entities to slander the practice for no reason. Truthfully this is just like Hitler’s gestapo in modern times. It has to be stopped!
Now why would such a good thing that’s taught for free be held from the people? Well, ever since the practice has been imparted to the public over 100 million or more people have benefited from it in China alone. China had 1.3 billion people at the time so that would mean that 1 in 13 people had practiced it. At the time CCP leader Jiang Zemin saw this practice was gaining popularity really fast and that it even outnumbered the popularity of the members of the CCP that were only 70 million, and that it might become more popular than him, since he thought that era was supposed to be all about the him and the party. His selfishness, hatred and inconsideration of the fact that this has benefited the public by raising morality and improving people’s health was none of his concern and so he started his campaign to “eliminate falun gong”.
In an authoritarian government, they control everything, including your thoughts, beliefs and what you do. Including all the sciences and literature available. If a science experiment does not agree with the CCP, it’s not published and is quickly denounced by political “scientists”. Even when falun gong was being spread in China, the comunist party had a special division specifically made to handle research in different qigong systems called The Chinese Qigong Research Society. Their goal was to set up branches at the various sites and set up membership fees so that the CCP could profit off falun gong and other such practices. But the founder of falun dafa Mr. Li did not agree as he wanted the practice to be loosely organized and be spread free of charge and for there to be no political connection. The practice since then has spread by word of mouth and from person to person all around the world and practice sites where people can come learn the practice have been set up all around the globe.
In parts of the “free world” authoritarianism is practiced in a more subtle way. We don’t see violence here, but we do see things like media control, censorship, propaganda. They have been istiling hatred and blaming the problems on the unvaccinated, censoring the truth about natural immunity and if any specialist says otherwise they lose their jobs and could face charges. Is it right for politicians to be the one voice to judge without taking anything else into consideration? The People who want to fight for the truth in any part of society are always the ones who suffer the most. We need to stand up and question people’s motives. In a time like this in our world people are all obsessed with having power, money and control and are willing to do and say anything for it, even at the cost of the lives of others.
Not many are willing to give up everything for the truth since it seems like it’s come to the point where, to really go after the truth, you really have to be able to give up everything and be willing to give up for others. We can’t judge the people who have been fooled by the mainstream media, it’s not their fault. The truth belongs to those who can accept it. My hope is that we can all strive for Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance. If you would like to learn the practice yourself for free or to sign a petition to end the persecution, visit or
I am concerned that the impression Westerners have of Falun Gong is that it is an innocent movement and safe spiritual practice. It is a great tragedy that these practitioners are persecuted in China, imprisoned, tortured in horrific ways, and killed for organ harvesting. But the Leader and Founder, Li Hongzhi, is a deceptive individual who proclaims himself as the greatest God in the Universe. The teachings are culled from various ancient sources, and they form an amalgam of Buddhism, Daoism, and other esoteric ‘sources’ (direct from ancient ‘Masters’). While they may be harmonious with Asians, and with relatively few disclosed negative effects, this practice at its core is a cult. And many Westerners who have been drawn into it have experienced pronounced negative effects, and their lives have been ruined: physically, mentally, and materially; while experiencing dangerous and irreparable, acute, psychological consequences. Just a word of warning from an ex-member of a New Age cult. This cult—that uses the Shen Yun Dancers as a recruiting front, and manages The Epoch Times (an excellent journal espousing the Truth)—has as its center, a compound in New Jersey, where it is said Li Hongzhi lives, presently, as an expatriate of China, and to escape Chinese prosecution. They are very rich, and wealthy. In the end, all cults enslave their members, and pressure them to recruit, with, often, debilitating results. I was once interested in it, but did not dare do the exercises. I personally had a an ‘evil’ experience with it. I am Catholic, now, and I understand this religion better than most. I can safely say that at its heart, it is ‘evil’. Sadly, this is not disclosed to those, who, being ignorant of the true nature of all ‘esoteric’ practices, or being holy innocents, and who are not within the inner circle. All cults operate in the same predictable manner. One may support all efforts to end this persecution in China. But we must also be vigilant for the sake of those who might be attracted to this practice. Give them the information, and let them make an personally informed decision, that they may take full responsibility for what negative consequences they encounter or (may or may not) experience. This in line with Truth.
Dear Mr. Pirkka,
I am afraid you have been misled. “Cult” is a pretty powerful word. It is the how the Chinese Communist Party has justified imprisoning, torturing, and killing people that practice Falun Dafa.
Cults have some very distinct characteristics. They discourage free thinking, restrict “members” from interacting with other people and other ideas, and demand money from their victims. Cults disempower people to create a sense of dependency. The work to incrementally isolate their victims.
Falun Gong requires practitioners to look inside and measure their thoughts, actions, and feelings by Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance. If it is extreme in anyway, it is that its practitioners genuinely hold these principles to be a defining law of creation. I suspect if you read Zhuan Falun, the main text, you would find it surprisingly in accord with your own faith. Falun Dafa (Falun Gong) asks nothing of its practitioners but that they follow those principles and defend them as required. If Falun Dafa was not being persecuted in China, you would only know it as a meditation practice available at your local park—for free.
Before practicing Falun Gong, I thought Catholics and Christianity in general were a sinister force in society. Now I understand that Jesus taught an essential message of compassion that has been too often buried by the structures that were built up around his teachings. In many cases, these structures, (churches, political movements, businesses, schools) ruined people’s opportunity to follow his path in a genuine way by violated the most basic tenet Jesus espoused. Too many Christians mistake the formalities of religion for genuine faith and fail to cultivate the character Jesus demonstrated to all in his time on Earth.
I think if you met more Falun Gong practitioners, you would find we are rational, calm, independently mind, and sincerely determined to help people understand the critical importance of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. You would not find them making any great attempt to get you to practice Falun Gong (it is offered and we think it is wonderful, but there is no “recruitment” effort) and you would absolutely never get them trying to ask you for money. It is not important to us if people take up the practice, only that they know what it is. This is an unfortunate necessity given the Chinese regime’s lies.
Dear Matthew,
Thank you for your kind reply. I greatly appreciate your compassionate views. Yes. I do believe that there are very good, if not intelligent and compassionate people who practice Falun Gong (Falun Da Fa). I understand the teachings very well. I have met practitioners. So my experience is not without reason; although, it is, perhaps, rather limited. I have read the foundational book by Li Honzhi, and know of his background. Yet, I did not venture enough to practice the exercises, and do not wish to have the “cosmic wheel” (Dharma Wheel) “implanted” into my solar plexus (telepathically by Li Hongzhi, himself). He once came to me telepathically asking me if I wish for him to make me a Buddha, and I answered “No”. By background I was Lutheran Finnish Christian, and only became Catholic in 2007. I believe Our Lord Jesus Christ to be God, the Creator—ONE–with the Father, and the Holy Spirit (the Sacrosanct Trinity).I wrote my comment because of my experiences with many different spiritual practices and teachings (Yoga [Kriya, Hatha,Jhana], “Ascended Masters” of the Great White Brotherhood [Theosophy of Alice Bailey, Blavatsky; Guy Ballard’s ‘I AM’ Discourses, Bridge to Freedom], G.I. Gurdjieff, personal ‘Avatars’, Sant Mat [along with Eckankar, Master Path, Radha Soami Beas],Brahma Kumaris, Advaita Vedanta [Indian philosophy of Shankaracarya], Hinduism [Trimurti: Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva], Buddhism [Mahayana, Theraveda; Tibetan ‘esotericism’ of Tantric Yoga]….I could go on and on. I searched until I reached my limit, and realized that everything apart from Jesus Christ leads to either Satan or Lucifer. [Unfortunately, I would need much more room than I have here to explain.] I am familiar with the origins of Falun Gong (Daoism, Buddhism, Tai Chi, Chi Kung, the Tao of Confucius…that Li Hongzhi, describes, stating that he, himself, received training and instruction when he was taught by “ancient” Masters, who revealed to him their ‘secret teachings’, and who initiated him into perfect ‘Mastery’). In short, he formed his own ‘system’ (of movements and meditations). His history is fascinating. And his personal origins are even more so. He claims to be the greatest God of the Universe. Which I sternly dispute. And his whereabouts are unknown by most; save for his closest inner circle of confidants and adepts. All cults have an ‘inner’ circle of which those on the ‘outside’ are unaware of. What goes on within them and amongst those more evolved in the teachings, are kept secret from the average faithful, and greater body of practitioners. This my experience, and my understanding; and after having conducted my own research on cults and cult leaders. Many of those leaders claim Godhood, or of being Avatars (Gods, Divine Beings). And I have discovered that many poor and innocent, naive and gullible, people, have been harmed or destroyed by them. This was why I wished warn people: that before they enter into such a spiritual groups and organizations, and wish to practice their teachings, to be very sure that they are aware of what they are getting into, and be very careful. I cannot stress this enough. I myself have been badly damaged by a cult (over 30 years ago; I am 60 years old now, and the wiser). What truly comes from God cannot harm. I have evolved to the point of understanding that God is very simple. The teachings of Jesus Christ are very clear and simple. He never taught any occult, gnostic, esoteric, secret wisdom, or mysterious, covert, practices. I understand that the Asian mind is suitably adapted to meditation and such spiritual movements of Chi, or Ki, energy, and being attuned with the earth and the planets, with the Sun, the moon, and with the entire Cosmos. So be it. But as always there are dangers inherent with all meditations at a certain level. The level of “Master”, is one such temptation and their “powers” are very real. And therefore, they are dangerous to the neophyte, and such persons can be easily exploited by others, if the person acting upon the others does not have the sufficient moral qualifications of true “mastery”. The danger can be to even the “master”, himself, when he crosses the line of Truth, and goes beyond the boundaries of Natural Law, and morality. Called the Left Hand Path. (Such are the Freemasons, Jesuits, Lodges, Kabbalists, Templars, for instance. The inner sanctum of Satan-Lucifer.) They can easily become monsters, and can syphon energy from others in order to increase their ‘Power’. This is vey real. And, of course, it is our reality. Sad but true. Basically, all human beings have the same physical and spiritual makeup. What they choose to tune into energy-wise, and which and what person to follow, and what method they use to cultivate themselves, and thus, manifest “power”, varies. It is largely the result of the human will, what they choose to do. Being motivated, perhaps, first, by a sincere attitude: leading eventually to impure motives of spiritual greed, ambition, and lust for power. My essential argument is that we should not cultivate ourselves; but rather lead lives of simplicity, modesty, holiness, sanctity, purity; and with truth, and wisdom; being love, mercy, and compassion. Of course, this requires humility, and the death of the ego, and surrender of the human will. This is what Jesus Christ taught. We do not need anything else. God has given us all we need in the Holy Bible, and in the Incarnation, Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ. Simple as that. One day all human beings will learn the truth that Jesus Christ is Lord and Our God, and that His Church is Universal. I am sorry if I offended you. Be at peace.
Your being Catholic explains it all…and Catholicism is the worst cult of all!
I used to be a cathlaholic but gave it up when I discovered it was just ground cover for Satanism at the top.
P.S I have practised Falun Gong for quite some time!
PM, If you are really a practitioner of Falun Gong, you wouldn’t be so quick to attack someone. This is making enemies. It isn’t kind or tolerant. Catholicism is not a cult and you should know that. If you do practice Falun Gong, you should spend more time reading the teachings to correct any misunderstandings.