Druthers had the privilege of an in-depth interview with an active duty Toronto Police Constable, Chris Vandenbos, who is here to represent Police On Guard. (P.O.G.) is a newly formed group made up primarily of active and retired Canadian police officers, of all ranks, that are demanding justice and truth.
When was Police on Guard created and can you briefly explain by whom and why?
“Police on Guard” was established in December 2020 as a direct result of the ongoing governmental breaches of the Canadian charter rights and freedoms, and their direction that the police shall enforce these unconstitutional measures. This caused internal unrest in myself and fellow P.O.G founder, Matt Blacklaws, leading to us simultaneously reaching out to Ontario provincial MPP Randy Hillier, who has and continues to be vocal about his opposition to these same mandates and measures. Matt and I at the time were complete strangers but were put in contact with one another to discuss our thoughts surrounding these egregious breaches of the people’s charter rights.
As a result, a social media page was created and an open letter was penned highlighting the most recent charter breach that had occurred when a young man was arrested and almost tasered for simply skating, on a rink, outside in Calgary.
This letter immediately led to many more officers joining our movement, both active and retired, as well as Canada’s top constitutional lawyer, Rocco Galati, volunteering to represent our movement in taking our government and police chiefs to court over these mandates and measures.
We hear that P.O.G. is being inundated with new officers joining the ranks. What kind of membership numbers have you been seeing? How many are retired vs active duty?
The growth pattern of POG has been constantly on the incline. At first our membership was filled with a large majority of retired officers speaking out and joining us. However, as we have increased our messaging and made our mission statement clear, there have been so many active duty police officers joining the ranks we are having a hard time keeping up on getting them all vetted (to prove they are police and are active). It should also be noted that the variation of ranks within our movement is quite vast. From frontline constables all the way up to superintendents within various police services across Canada, we are well represented.
Furthermore, we have active duty and retired military, corrections officers, sheriffs, border services, and fire fighters, all of whom have taken an oath and have joined in full support of our Mission Statement, “to win back the rights of Canadians”.
It is clear there are mixed opinions among police when it comes to the enforcement of COVID regulations. Can you give us a sense of how many are displeased with the things they are being asked to do?
It would be impossible for me to give a percentage or a number as to how many officers are against these measures. But what I can say is that Police On Guard have worked hard to keep a very close finger on the pulse within police services across Canada.
At the beginning, there were few officers speaking out about the unconstitutional mandates and laws being handed down to the police to enforce. But, as time has gone on and we are seeing that the politicians themselves are not following their own rules, it has sparked conversations within the walls of police divisions. These conversations are now surrounding the legitimacy of the laws in the first place.
Further to that, and this is emblematic of just how human police officers are, there is also a shift happening as a direct result of seeing the disenfranchised and impoverished people becoming more and more downtrodden due to these measures and laws. Businesses are being shuttered. Child suicide rates, substance abuse, domestic violence, alcohol abuse, and severe depression are all on the rise.
As our politicians dine together on rooftop patios, visit their friends, or fly to desirable vacation destinations, the rest of Canada is left to suffer the consequences of their unconstitutional autocratic decisions that breach the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of Canadians. And that is unacceptable!
We are seeing a lot of media-generated societal pressures, which ultimately pit the public and law enforcement against each other. With the rapidly growing mistrust of authority, how does P.O.G. envision a course correction to get us all back to unity?
The best way for a course correction is to lead by example and speak out in truth. This is what Police On Guard is doing and will continue to do.
The media today is consistently divisive. It is also consistently opinion-based, as a lot of the truth is being silenced.
We truly hope that our actions, and leading by example, will lead to a sea of change across Canada, not just with our fellow officers who need to remember their oaths, but also with the public. We need to not be divided. We need to stand together.
To our fellow officers across Canada, we humbly remind you that your oath is to protect the people. Their Charter rights of Canadians are guaranteed, and it is our job to uphold them.
What kind of initiatives does Police On Guard have in the works?
Police on Guard believes that it is best to be the boots on the ground as much as possible. To that end we are represented from coast to coast by member representatives that attend rallies and speak every weekend to encourage police and our fellow Canadians to join us, and to STAND ON GUARD.
We have window placards available on our website for people to print off and put in their front window, to show their support and to take this stand with us.
What is the end goal for Police on Guard? What would you consider the pinnacle of success?
Our statement of claim is before the courts as we speak, and in the meantime, our objective is to get as many people in Canada to support our cause as we can. Together we can win this.
Our end goal, and the pinnacle of success, is the full reinstatement of our fellow Canadian’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Period!
What do you feel is the general sentiment towards the vaccine among active duty police? Will most take it or will most say no?
When it comes to issues surrounding medicine, and vaccines, we defer to the experts.
What we can say, however, is that informed consent is a right of the people. You have the right to know all the dangers surrounding any procedure, injection, or treatment, and to refuse any of the above if you choose to do so.
We notice that POG doesn’t ask for donations. How are your initiatives funded? What can our readers do to support POG and its initiatives?
Currently you can donate to our court process by attending www.constitutionalrightscentre.ca and click on “police action” to donate to support our case.
We are also in the process of officially registering as a not-for-profit so that we can engage in selling merchandise to assist us in all the different various areas where financial assistance is needed.
Can you leave our readers with a feeling of hope and inspiration?
Canada has a rich history of prevailing in the face of adversity and evil. Our national anthem says it best: “Oh Canada, we stand on Guard For Thee”. We ask that our fellow Canadians stand on guard for thee with us. Make your voices heard, contact your elected representatives and voice your displeasures loudly but non violently, and stand strong.
We here at Police On Guard made an oath to uphold the Constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of all Canadians. This is not only our oath but this is our promise. And that is a promise we will keep.
Together, we can win our freedoms back!

Thank you for your courage to speak out and serve the people. A God given gift.
I am a nurse and biev in truth and justi e during these covid times.
Many nurses are speaking the Truth and being persecuted and terminated for “taking a stand”
Watch out in the USA we have Oath Keepers and the communists in Washington are trying to jail them for speaking up.
Thank you, All of you, for living up to your oath!❤️🇨🇦
Troy Stranberg
Thank you for your service and commitment to your fellow citizens of Canada. My family are very concerned for our rights and freedoms, which have been enshrined in our Charter and Constitution. We hold dear our right to sovereignty over our bodies and informed consent. Both our Provincial and Federal government’s clear over reach and breach of these vitaly important and sacred rights is beyond concerning. Our son’s are currently in a battle to save their jobs, and freedom to choose. They are steadfast in their decision to not be threatened, coerced into an injection that is neither safe or effective. We as a people and a nation are at a crossroads and a wrong road taken maybe impossible to return from. Please keep the faith and let us help where we can. We are at war and most don’t know it. My heart is breaking for our country. What will we be leaving for our children and grandchildren.
Yours in service
Scott and Deborah Wheeler
My father was a police officer for 32 years and if he were alive today he would join to stand guard for freedom and for our great country . I will stand in his place to represent him and honour him for his commitment to his oath for which he took very seriously.
Thank you for what you are doing. As an Ontario citizen, I feel so much better knowing that our police have amongst them those members who hold our democracy and our constitutional rights and freedoms sacred. I feel some peace, at this terrible time, when I actually find myself afraid of our government for their aggressive violations of our charter, to know our police have integrity and honour. I think our police will not follow any order just because government gives it, but honor their oath to protect the people’s rights. Who would have known that our police may need to protect the people from our own government overreach, and indeed, from tyranny.
We want to live “ Oh Canada we stand on guard for thee and we want to be free”
Thank goodness for the cops who actually have a pair. Thank you.
you have restord my faith in humanity. Creator of us all Bless you for your Integrity and love of your Country and All of Humanity. xoxoxo
Good on you Chris. I’m just getting involved, standing up against this tyranny that is destroying the fabric of Canadian life and creating division where it never existed before. I’m still working out what I can do personally to support the movement and keep the momentum going, but it’s good to know there are good people like you working within the law enforcement agencies that are being tasked to enforce these ridiculous mandates and passports.
covid & delta variant are real. Unless you have had a family member get the virus or die from it, you have no idea. A lot of lies/misinformation is on social & regular media. we are a sloppy species. REad about the spanish flu of 1918. Define..our freedoms. We have been lucky for over 50 years leading a life of luxury & doing whatever we desire. NOW, we are spoiled, UNTIL this virus erupted in the USA, India, Brazil. We are spoiled with so called freedoms. And we could get hit with another variant coming, again, from China and Middle Eastern Countries. How do you know its a lie? Note we have had no incidents of the common flu.
We will always have those that think its fake. Until you or family, as above.
No one said they’re not real (my whole family of 6 just recovered from the delta variant). Kids all bounced back no problem and my hubby and I had a bad case of the flu. Does it take a bit longer to fully recover compared to the regular flu? Sure, but is it enough to want to give up my rights to decide what goes into MY BODY? HELLLLL NO!
You are free to give up your own rights, but dont tell me what to do with mine, just because you’re hysterical. Keep on believing everything you’re told, like the good bootlicker you are.
Regardless of where the virus started (if you want to believe it was from a bat in a wet market in China, it’s probably too late for you) Our civil liberties give us the right to choose what is put into our bodies, and not to be coerced and given an ultimatum for our financial security versus our global safety. If you really follow and believe the news, you are being IV fed one side of a story…and it’s pumping fear into your veins. There is a truth in this. Vaccination does not change or solve anything except line the pockets of the criminals of the pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies.and multiple other corrupt giants that sit back and prey. If 100% of the population was triple vaccinated tomorrow, it would not stop people from getting infected nor spreading this virus. Think about that. The information to prove this is already been shown. Sure, you may have less symptoms and maybe if you were at risk of death by contracting it, you could live after being infected, but the absolute truth and point is that it’s not stopping this virus. Not even slowing it down. Wake up. Do not give up your rights for a false sense of security. If you think mandates are the answer, you are condemning us all and I hope you are prepared to take responsibility for what lays ahead.
Yes, united, we’ll stand on guard for Canada, and we’ll win. You know in countries where the police and army stand with the people they win as they have no ways to push forward their evil aims. But, when the police and army like in Australia protect the government instead of the people, tyranny prevails. When the police stand with the people to protect their rights, the government is toothless to enforce their tyrannical measures. God bless you all for standing with us against this assault on our freedoms and our constitution, and human rights. Thank you all so much.
February 14, 2022
I have lots of information, I have given lots to the JCCF, they actually invited me to there Peabody Award, but I believe sometimes the files should have money attached do evil that’s being. I would like to sent to you. Their is no way I can do this on your site. Or even talk to someone, at your firm.
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