- Go local. Support your local businesses, community and relationships.
- Grow and stockpile food for your family and neighbours.
- Keep paper currency alive. Purchase with cash.
- Diversify your assets. Hold cash, precious metals, crypto, and goods that can be bartered.
- Refuse to comply with arbitrary and unscientific measures that have not been demonstrated to be safe, effective, and necessary.
- Refuse to comply with violations of Charter rights that have not been demonstrably justified.
- Discontinue use of cell phones that have tracking capacity.
- Only support those businesses that honour your Charter rights and freedoms.
- Turn off corporate and government controlled media.
- Support independence media.
- Share valuable information with family and friends.
- Get to know your elected representatives. Hold them accountable for their decisions.
- Support organizations that stand up for your rights and freedoms.
- Vote based on principles, not parties.
- Run for elected office and support like-minded candidates.
- Question everything.
- Insist on informed consent for any medical treatment.
- Refuse any products or treatments where manufacturers are not legally liable for injury or death caused by their products.
- Read the ingredients list, including in vaccines.
- Refuse to participate in medical discrimination.
- Refuse to participate in digital ID.
- Be vocal and visible with your values.
- Make decisions based on evidence and logic, not fear.
- Search for truth.
- Appreciate beauty, pursue goodness, and seek joy.
- Pray.
- Spread love.
- Be the change you want to see in the world.
By: Theodore Kuntz | VaccineChoiceCanada.com